Marketing A Student?

You Bet! Marketing is "identifying the needs and wants of a customer and implementing solutions that satisfy those wants."  The student should see himself or herself as the product that he or she plans to "sell" to colleges and scholarship programs.  For students, there is no more important business than identifying and developing the characteristics and experiences that make them attractive college prospects.
This starts long before it is time to fill out the applications.

Practical Actions to Conquer
 the Cost of Higher Education

The Four "P's" of Marketing for students are:

Product       The Student and the total package that he or she presents to colleges,
                   developed over a three or four year period.

Pricing         Preparation to acquire scholarships and grants to make the high price
                    of college more affordable.    

Promotion   Understanding the application process in order to present themselves well.

Placement   Identification of schools that are a good match.


The Fifth "P" of marketing is Philosophy.  One Step Ahead® is a non-profit organization whose goal is to work through community groups to help empower students with the practical actions necessary to position themselves for success by complementing the work of teachers and counseling centers.  We teach students to take the necessary early steps to get ahead in order to preserve the economic health of our neighborhoods and the community at-large.

 All Rights Reserved (c) 2013-2017 * One Step Ahead® is a 501(c) 3 Organization
Clients will not be denied on the basis of race, creed, sex, or national origin.